Welcome Hoexr Luxury Hotel Stay in our luxury
suites & rooms
Rooms & Suites
Hoexr Luxury Hotel

Relax in our Comfortable & Luxurious Hotel Resort

San Francisco has hills with views, the coast, excellent food & has been voted the happiest, healthiest and fittest city in the States many times.the coast
The Best
The Best
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Luxury Room

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Hotel Facilities

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Orci varius natoque penatibus magnis ders disney parturient ridiculus
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Orci varius natoque penatibus magnis ders disney parturient ridiculus
Best price

The Best Luxury Rooms And Suites

$ 200 / Night

Single Room

  • Pick & Drop Service
  • Swimming Pool
  • City Tour Guide
  • Fibre Internet
$ 250 / Night

Double Room

  • Pick & Drop Service
  • Swimming Pool
  • City Tour Guide
  • Fibre Internet
Great hospitality is the key to Pride of Britain's longstanding reputation for excellence.

Enjoy Food and Even Better Hospitality

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Hotel Facilities

  • Healthy Food
  • Award-winning Restaurant
  • Individually Styled Bedrooms

Luxury Rooms

  • Healthy Food
  • Award-winning Restaurant
  • Individually Styled Bedrooms


Years Of




Boy Hotel


Best Hotel

Call to action

The Thin Escape.

Easy & Free Transport
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Clean & Fresh Food
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Play Ground & Swimming Pool
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Hotel Booking

What says for customer

What Client's Say?

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Donald Browfish

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Special Holiday Offer